I Have To Be Specific With The Date In The Title, As They've Been Hacked So Much Howard Stringer is being bashed on many tech websites Hackers are not letting up on battered Sony, hacking into another of their websites, after pulverizing their PlayStation network in an unprecedented hack. Sony Music Ireland has been hacked this week. Sony believed the hacks had desisted, but they were wrong. The site was Hacked and defaced with outlandish articles, such as pedophile singer, R. Kelly, marrying 13-year-old YouTube star, Rebecca Black. STORY SOURCE
Sony Ireland hackers claim Rebecca Black and R Kelly marry
Sony Losing Cyber War To Hackers Who Are Battering Them In Several Countries
Sony CEO Insultingly Refers To Massive Hack As A "Hiccup" While PlayStation Site Goes Down Again
Sony Broken By Anonymous $24 Billion Dollar Hack
Another Sony Hack Claims The Personal And Financial Data Of 25 Million People
10 Million Sony PSN Credit Card Info Stolen, 2.2 Million Offered For Sale
Sony Badly Hit By $24 Billion Dollar Hack
Beyonce Steals Again But This Time From Sam Cooke, En Vogue & A European Artist
The FBI Corruptly Granted "Sovereign Immunity" In The Aisha v. FBI Case
Sony Playstations Seized Over Patent Theft Lawsuit
Sony To Rip-Off Transformers With Voltron Reboot
Sony Loses Lawsuit For Stealing "Down Under"